Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sick but Thankful

Cailin, Haley, and I are all sick. Cailin tested positive for the flu yesterday. She has had a high fever, nasty cough, sore throat, and congestion. I think I might have the flu also, but because I have to stay home anyway with the kids I decided to just take them to the doctor. Anyway, the doctor gave Cailin medicine and then also prescribed some for Luke and Kristen so they don't get the flu.

It seems Haley is sick more than she is well! Maybe I need to hibernate until spring! She was just on antibiotics and nebulizer treatments in January and then was well for a whole week before getting sick again. This time her lungs don't sound well so she is back on the nebulizer and a different antibiotic. She does a pretty good job of sitting still while she gets her treatments.

We just got a pediatrician in our area which is a huge blessing. I heard about her in December and by the end of January had seen her 3 times. Our previous doctor was 45 minutes away. She has been so kind and understanding. At our appointment yesterday, it was as if we were her only patients for the day. She took time to talk and answer questions. I am so thankful the Lord has allowed her to move here. Her husband is in the military and is supposed to be deployed to Iraq in September. They have twin boys that turned one on Valentine's Day. Please pray that we can be a good testimony and witness to her.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Hope you are all feeling better.