Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Meeting the Governor

Luke trying to get the dog to look at the camera! How funny!

Now, before you think we are REALLY important, read on! While visiting my parents last month, Dad said he wanted to take us to meet the governor. How exciting! I was thinking "I only brought Wednesday and Sunday 'nice' clothes and knew we had to wear something 'nice'!" So I said so to Mom--a couple of times! Then the date got changed which I thought was strange that it could happen so quickly. Anyways, Wednesday night after church I told the kids to be sure to lay their clothes neatly because they had to wear the same ones to meet the governor tomorrow. Dad and Mom both insisted that they could wear play clothes, which I couldn't understand. They wouldn't have let US wear play clothes to meet the governor! Dad finally could not contain himself any longer and told me the "governor" was a horse!!!! The laugh was on me! The kids had a great time checking out the politics of a farm!

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