Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Kristen!

I am dreadfully behind on my posts because of Spring Break and sickness, but I am attempting to catch up.

Kristen turned 5 on March 8. We are so thankful for her! She is our chatterbox and our love bug. She loves to give hugs. It has been so fun to have her home this year with Haley. It took a few days for me to get used to the idea that all here chatter was now directed at me! I will miss her when she is gone all day at school next year!

The girls had a combined birthday party this year. We were sick on Cailin's birthday, so this worked out well. They had friends spend the night and then we had a party on Saturday! I painted the girls fingernails which was a highlight for them!

The girls received lots of fun things--including scrapbooking items. Cailin has started her scrapbook and as soon as I print some pictures fro Kristen, we will start hers. They also got Littlest Pet Shop things, Barbies, money, jewelry--so as you can tell they were quite spoiled!

I made "Princess" cakes for both of them. They really liked them.